Friday, September 21, 2012

after the Rain for Skywatch Friday

A week ago we experienced an afternoon of thunder and lightening showers during the afternoon.  When the storm was over the sky appeared to be relieved and relaxed showing its beauty as thus.
My thanks to the hosts of Skywatch Friday for continuing to host this very popular Friday skywatch meme. If you would like to post your own photos or just enjoy looking to see the photographic offerings of others, please scroll down this page and look upon the right hand side to click on the skywatch logo to go to the meme. A happy Friday to all.


  1. Wow the gold in that sky is terrific!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Wow, is right, what a great combination of colors and textures.

  3. Beautifully captured!

    Come and see my Sky Shots when you get a chance. Your comment will sure add a delight.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Just beautiful! It looks like a painting!

  5. An incredible sky, especially when viewed large!!

  6. There's a whole landscape in the sky! And such rich colors! Happy SWF:)

  7. What a beautiful click!

    My entry.

  8. Wow, what a beautiful sky! Wonderful capture, happy skywatching!
