Thursday, October 11, 2012


Yesterday the photo challenge of a photography group I belong too was "benches". I.
I thought that this theme fit well here with my nature blog as many of you, readers, are the kind of people who often enjoy a walk through nature and an inviting bench with a "sit for a while attitude " about its appearance is invitational and welcome.  That criteria fits the first two benches featured here, and their building supplies as well came straight from Ma Nature's woodland surplus.

   These next two benches overlook a rushing river with rapids at this location. These benches, indded are a welcome diversion to a walk at this location.

Below this bench beside an old churn suggests ,this bench at historic Kings Landing Village . may have been used to sit while one was churning away.Tired after a day of shopping or just waiting for a bus, this unique bench outside of Market square  invites one to sit awhile and share the space with others of a sculptured area in Saint John, Nb
The light in this area adds a soft , relaxing ambience to this seculded sitting area.  "Sit a while".  All you need with you is a good book.

1 comment:

  1. That log bench is very interesting! Good choices for your challenge.
