Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Black Squirrel and a Kingfisher


  1. Don't know which I love more...the black squirrel or the kingfisher! I would love to see a black squirrel! They are so pretty. Kingfishers are wonderful birds and so hard to find most of the time.

  2. Mary, We don't have Black Squirrels in New Brunswick but we are in Ontario AT THE TIME VISITING OUR SON HERE. I agree Kingfishers are very difficult to take a good picture of, I was very pleased to get this picture today. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Great shots! We have a black squirrel that is his own kind of terrorist--I frequently see him in the middle of the road, daring me to run him over--He only has half of a tail, so I think it's something he does a lot and I wish he wouldn't!

  4. A town not far from me has lots of black squirrels, and I always look for them. What a treat, as is the Kingfisher. I have seen a few lately, but they are pretty skittish.
