Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hairy Woodpecker in Bird Alley Today

    The joyful part of my day, watching birds at my bird feeders,  has   yielded the sighting of a male hairy woodpecker.  I know it is a male because of the red patches on the back of its head.
    Also in Bird Alley today has been the male and female Northern Cardinals.
                                    Seen above is this playful peek-a-booing male Cardinal.

Also present today in Bird Alley is one American Tree Sparrow; Goldfinches and many Pine Siskins, Bluejays and Black-capped chickadees  and two Gray Squirrels.


  1. Bird Alley is a pretty busy place these days--The birds must love the eats you have! :-)

  2. What a lovely Hairy! I saw one the other day, but I get more downy's then hairys.
