Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pine Grosbeaks for Camera Critters

This is the species of bird that started me in on birdwatching.  On  Nov. 10th, 1999, thirteen years ago today! I saw a handsome red, male Pine Grosbeak in the line of trees and bushes alongside my house which has since been named by us as Bird Alley. 
 The male Pine Grosbeak was feeding on the bright red berries of our cranberry tree there.  I didn't know what the bird was. I had never seen Pine Grosbeaks  before!! they fascinated me!
After that sighting my husband encouraged me to buy a digital camera.  I bought a Sony Mavica ( $800)   it had .05 megapixes. I loved the camera!!!! I was fascinated with it!! and I was delighted with the pictures I was able to get with it. I  had retired from teaching in  March, 1999 and a new fascinating interest had developed for me;  birdwatching and nature photographer.

Each November since then we have watched and waited for Pine Grosbeaks to show up in Bird Alley to partake of the cranberry  feast.  They don't show up every year, bu tthis year they have!  Oh, Happy day! when I looked out window  on Tuesday
 and saw this bird feeding in the cranberry tree in Bird Alley, it was just the one!
Needless to day I shall be watching daily for these beautiful Pine Grosbeaks to return  for a cranberry feast! 
Camera Critters is a meme that features critters, any kind, any size. To see more of this meme please click on the CC logo which can be found on the right sidebar on this page or please click here.


  1. Your love for the birds really does show in your photos (and great camera) because you really take great pictures! I enjoyed reading about what sparked your new passion and I'm glad your inspiration has returned!!

    Enjoy your weekend!!

  2. They are gorgeous birds, congrats! I am so happy they came back to visit. Great shot!

  3. He is a beautiful bird. My first camera was a Sony Mavica.

  4. It has an unusually fat body as if it is a pregnant bird, haha! Is the Sony Mavica capable of changing lenses? I have Sony Cybershot as my Point and Shoot buddy!

  5. They are gorgeous birds!!! I loved reading your story. My first digital was a Sony Mavica too... took floppy disks :-)

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Pine Grosbeaks have been an illusive species for me. I got inspired by being out in the woods and seeing a brilliant reddish bird (turned out to be a Scarlet Tanager) and a bright blue bird (turned out to be a Indigo Bunting) in the same bush. We won't talk about how long ago that was!

  7. A lovely story of how you got into birding. Great photos!

  8. so pretty. love it when they have food aplenty.
