Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Common Redpolls in Bird Alley

 These sweet little red-capped bird, Common Redpolls are always very welcome in Bird Alley.  I didn't see any last winter so it is a treat to see them appear this winter. there doesn't seem to be much variety in their appearance this year as yet. I have been watching for one with a really outstanding rosy breast, but as yet haven't seen any .  Of course I am always watching and hoping to see a hoary Redpoll.  I have had such visitors before so I shall be watching daily for such an occurance.  Its cold here this morning.  My oudoors theromometer reads at -20 degrees C.  Brrrr.!!!!! That is too cold for me as I plan on going out today to rescue my bird feeders that are almost all covered with snow. But not to worry birdies, I still have two feeders near the house that can be refilled by reaching out my sunroom window.


  1. What little beauties! Hope to see them some day! Happy New Year to you

  2. Those Redpolls are a welcome sight. I have a few around,but would welcome more.

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  5. -20! That's too cold for me, but your birds are lovely! Maybe it's a good trade-off for a little while.

  6. Oh what pretty birds. Brrr...that is cold.

  7. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Exit 318 test

  8. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Exit 318 says, ''As usual, a nice selection''
