Thursday, February 21, 2013

Birdcam Photography for Thursday Challenge

 Last spring/summer I purchased a birdcam and it  has been the source of many photo delights to me.  When I had seen Rose-breasted grosbeaks in my yard, last spring I rushed to set my birdcam on a tripod to catch the beauty of this bird!  And my quest was successful.  I am eager for this season's return of the birds.

photography is this week's photographic theme for Thursday's Challenge. To view more photos posted on this theme, or to join in on the fun yourself, just 'click' on the highlighted name.


  1. You have really taken some amazing photos and have given me the thought on more than one occassion to get my own bird-cam. They really are fun to watch!

  2. Good one... you got him.. without disturbing..

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  4. Really a nice cam! And a good picture for the Challenge ;-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands,
