Tuesday, February 05, 2013

stray Cats

Yesterday afternoon I saw two stray cats in Bird Alley.  The little grey one I had seen walk through our yard before.  The beautiful orange one though, I had not seen before.  Both cats looked healthy and in good condition.  I think perhaps they have homes as they appear to be well fed and strong. I don't think they are feral cats.  I hope not.
  Early this morning before full light the smaller grey cat was in Bird Alley again, perched on a railing in our pergola.


  1. Love them both! I used to have a wonderful friendly cat like that orange one. One of the nicest cats we ever had. I hate when our "stray" cat sits out by my feeders. I really don't want it eating my little ground birds.

  2. They are beautiful cats, hopefully they have a home and an owner that is learning to keep them indoors more often.
