Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Train in the Rain for Thursday's Challenge, Transportation

A rainy day, such as was yesterday, often lessens the chance  of a good photo opportunity. I was complaining of my reduced chances of finding something  good to take pictures of when my husband uttered as we were driving along.  "Here's your chance?"here comes a Train!" A Southern New Brunswick freight train was coming in our direction!  And I love trains!  Having grown up in a railroad town, trains have always fascinated me, and daily we can see and hear trains passing through our village from my house, (  although no longer are they passenger trains passing through.)and we still announce or comment on the passing of trains to each other.  Yearly we  travel to Ontario by VIA Rail to visit with my son and his family.We always look forward to and anticipate that trip, beginning in Moncton and traveling overnight to Montreal, then on to Toronto  and at the end of the day arriving at London.
                         The rain really enhanced the lights on the train, definitely spreading the train magic.


Thursday Challenge is a meme which offers a different theme each week. This week's theme is transportation. To join in on the fun you can find this meme at:


  1. These are great train photos! I remember when the train whistle used to sound through the country air here. One could tell the direction of the wind that day when the whistle blew at every crossing. I also grew up in the "Hub of the Maritimes" where trains were big business and employed thousands. It's a treat to see a train today.

  2. Love those photos! The lights really make a nice shot.
