Saturday, April 27, 2013

White-tailed Deer

 I haven't been seeing very many White-tailed deer recently and, although these two were along the highway shoulder as we were driving by yesterday, We stopped for a moment to capture their beauty.

Stay safe, beautiful deer, and be careful crossing highways as you often do. Stop, Look and Listen.  Happy spring, Today promises to be a beautiful day!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great photos!! I say those same things as you when I see the deer by the road too!!

  3. I'm glad you saw some and I too hope they stay safe. I saw several that didn't on the highway today when we went to Paducah for the quilt show. I hate seeing dead animals on the road. We slowed to allow a family of geese to cross a road and one car just zoomed right around us....luckily missing them.
