Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Female Brown-headed Cowbird in Bird Alley.

                                       Late this afternoon I saw this female Brown-headed Cowbird feeding in Bird Alley.  As is characteristic of this species it accompanied Red-winged Blackbirds which were very prevelant around our feeder area today.  Yesterday I thought I had seen a male Brown-headed Cowbird in our feeder area.  Having seen this female Cowbird today I think I probably was right in assuming I saw the male of this species yesterday afternoon.
spring is such a wonderful, exciting time  when watching for and seeing the returning birds.  Hmmm... What will be next?  I am hoping for a Fox Sparrow as there has been many reports of several Fox sparrows having been seen in the province recently.

Also in our feeder area today were many Juncos, Mourning Doves, Chickadees, a few Song Sparrows and one male Downy Woodpecker and one male Hairy Woodpecker,  many Red-winged Blackbirds and just a few Common Grackles, and a Red Squirrel and a Gray Squirrel or two.


  1. Aside from that most interesting Cowbird name, I also find the brown head description unexpected. Seems like she is more of a blue/grey. She is very pretty in a very soft way.

  2. Hi, I've been following Linda at Crafty Gardener for some time but never saw her notes on Canadian blogs she follows until now. That's where I found you. I enjoyed seeing your bird and animal photos. I've seen killdeer, song sparrows, robins, geese and red winged blackbirds back this past week or so. Have you seen any goldfinches? They seem to be missing still. I read your daughter's book and loved it! What a great story of life 'before the dam'. I hope you'll pop over for a visit to my blog. Pamela

  3. Pretty little bird. I love seeing new birds at my feeders. Saw one yesterday but not quite sure what it was. Happy Thursday.
