Friday, April 19, 2013

Finally, A Goldfinch in Bird Alley!

One of the male Goldfinch looked a bit bedraggled! It appeared to have a moulting black cap on its head.
 It has been a long time since I have seen a Goldfinch in our feeder area.  This morning I saw two or
three fly in and a couple of males 

                                                                                            and a female or so.

 Goldfinch were not the only surprise visitors!
  We have a few White-throated Sparrows in Bird Alley!  What a handsome bird a White-throated Sparrow is! with its bright yellow lores and striped head and its delicate white bib on its upper breast!We were very happy to see these sparrows arrive!


  1. Two great visitors, I love the sweet Goldies and the WT Sparrows. Have a great weekend!

  2. Great photos, I've never seen them in the molting stage. I love the goldfinch, and they are a sure sign of summer--I need to look to see if ours are returning too!
