Sunday, April 07, 2013


I continue to monitor and look for new duck arrivals daily.,
                                                  Do you see its beautiful golden eye?, the source of its name?, and the facial white dot is so distinctive in identifying this species!
On Thursday,I found Goldeneye in my favourite roadside pond which I frequent daily.  It used to be that Goldeneye would be the first species that I found each spring, but the last few years it is Hooded Mergansers which have taken over the role of first species seen, along with Mallards and Black Ducks, so it was with absolute delight rhar I viewed this handsome male Goldeneye species on Thursday.  I have looked for it since but I guess it was a 'once viewing' occasion. However, maybe I will see him again today when I drive to the pond for my duck yearning viewing later this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful ducks! Like you, I also look for the return of birds to tell me that the season is changing, even if Mother Nature says it isn't!
