Sunday, June 02, 2013

Another Warbler in Bird Alley

 One positive result from having had so many rainy, wet, damp days recently has been an increase of bugs!  No, not for me, I do not love bugs but insect eating warblers do.  I had mentioned previously that we often have warblers visiting Bird Alley, but not for the bird food which I provide in my feeders but for the munchy bugs they can find about our trees and flowering, blossoming trees there.  This morning I spied movement among the leaves and I could see a little bird furtively moving about.  So, I waited ready with my camera, assuming as often will happen the bird will show itself.  My wait was rewarded with this
picture of a female Common Yellowthroat Warbler feeding there among the leaves and branches.  She is a beautiful little common  yellow throated warbler


  1. She's a cutie. I had a carolina warbler here last summer.

  2. She really is a cutie and you're right worth the wait for a good photo like yours!
