Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mystery insect or bee?

Can anyone identify this insect for me?  I had found two dead ones on my doorstep in early July.
I hope there are no more as anything that has the potential to sting makes me uneasy, not knowing what it is or its source.
I would appreciate any comments from anyone who has experience with this species, what ever it may be.
TRhank you.


  1. http://bugguide.net/node/view/28153/bgimage

    white-trimmed black wasp - Episyron quinquenotatus

  2. Interesting insect. I see the answer above. Hope you have a great day!

  3. Thank you Wendell Dryden and Eileen. I love new learning. I will research more about this wasp.

  4. Interesting looking!
