Friday, August 23, 2013

Piebald Deer Found

I have been looking fore this partially white deer all summer and last week I finally found it!  How exciting that was!  I was tremblingly all over as I downloaded the pictures.  It was a young male and you  can see his antlers just beginning to emerge.  Isn't he handsome.  It took a while to sink in when I saw it.  I was actually looking at the deer that I had been looking for, for so long. "

Oh Happy Day"


  1. Great pictures - that had to be exciting after trying to see him all summer! Other than fawns, I've never seen a multi-colored deer in the wild.

  2. These are great pictures! We saw 2 young ones like that in Douglas in June one evening as they ran across the road and I know there is one in this area as well but haven't seen it. In fact, I haven't seen a deer around here for a while. I didn't know they are called piebald. I thought they were part albino. I hope you're enjoying the summer.

  3. Your photos are stunning, and I think worth the wait!! I've never seen a deer like this before, how beautiful!!!

  4. Beautiful deer and great photos. I have seen one like this in Shenandoah Nat'l Park. Happy weekend to you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Pamela, yes, piedbald means having patches of black or white or other colours being partially covered. The term albino is often incorrectly used. So there are deer like this in the Douglas area too? fascinating! My daughter has taken photos of a piedbald fawn in the Quispamsis area. There is a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins titled "Pied Beauty", in which one of Hopkins lines is "Glory be to God for dappled things", I feel his lines to be very appropriate.
