Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bircam fun in Bird Alley with Bluejays

I haven't used my bird cam much this past summer in Bird Alley, however after having refilled our feeders on Tuesday We were rewarded with quite a few hungry bird visitors and I decided to try to capture some of the action.  Due too foraging nighttime raccoon visitors we do not  often leave a lot of enticing birdseed around during the summer for the raccoons as they are such a nuisance.
Yesterday I captured quite a bit of interesting action with the birdcam.  We have quite a few performing Bluejays flipping thrpuigh the sunflower seeds as can be viewed below.

Three bluejays feeding together


  1. Great shots!! I enjoy the Blue-Jays and they are a welcome color when there's not any--But I have to ask, are you sure it's a raccoon that's raiding your feeders--Those darn blue-jays can be pretty piggy as you know! :-)!!

  2. Oh yes, the Blue-Jays have returned, after being away most of the summer. I must get my game cam out too, and see what I've been missing.

  3. Excellent photos of Blue Jays.

  4. Wonderful! They love peanuts if you put some out.
