Saturday, November 16, 2013

Birds today in Bird Alley

I have been monitoring the birds that visit Bird Alley quite closely for the past week or so. The first bird to arrive this morning was a White-breasted Nuthatch.  This species has become a daily regular.  I am hoping its cousin, the Red-breasted Nuthatch will stop by soon.  Next I saw the male Cardinal high in the silver maple tree.  By this time a Bluejay and the many little Chickadees were
making their presence known.  And then a nice surprise was a lively Hairy Woodpecker arriving.  Also Mourning Doves were present in Bird Alley.  My purpose of the day, to see a Red-winged Blackbird was fulfilled when I saw two perch in the trees above the feeders.  I was beginning to think that the Blackbirds had left the area, but we saw them yesterday in Bird Alley also.  I hadn't noted any female Blackbirds in the past few days but this morning one arrived and there was no doubt of its identification.
                                           a female Red-winged Blackbird above
When we first saw the female of this species we had a difficult time making its identification.  These days we have no doubt as to what this bird is.  After the arrival of the
blackbirds I waited and hoped for a Goldfinch to arrive and it did!!!  Today the Goldfinch fed at the nyger seed
feeder and this is significant as I am so hoping this will the connection needed to assure me of the Goldfinch becoming regular daily visitors.  Yesterday we had two Goldfinch visiting together!!!

I am not expecting any more species to arrive today as the usual have already been.  Hopefully over the next few coming days I can report having seen a Grosbeak, maybe a Pine or an Evening Grosbeak....  and maybe its time for some hungry Waxwings to show up.  That is the excitement of observing Bird Alley and feeding the birds.  You just never know, you know.   I used to have a Bird Alley sign out by the feeders but with the changing seasons and precipitation it weathered and  aged and I now need a new sign.  The making of a new sign might be a project that I might begin today, its always fun   creating and making things with wood and paint.  I'm sure I can find an appropriate sized piece of wood in our garage.

Have a good day everyone.  Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Nice report on your visiting birds. Love the cute Goldie photos. Happy Weekend to you!

  2. The winter birds have started to arrive here and I've gotten my feeders up for them. I even saw a 'stray' hummingbird the other day. I still have my feeder up for it too--I read that I should do that for a straggler that may happen by, I hope it's on its way soon.
