Monday, December 16, 2013

Female Red-winged Blackbird

We have learned by observing and reading, what birds are expected to do during certain seasons.  For examples there are certain species which we expect will migrate during the fall.  Therefore we are often surprised when we see an unexpected species after a huge snow storm.  This morning I thought I had seen a female Red-winged Blackbird in Bird Alley but it was too skittish and I could not get a picture at the time to verify my suspicions.  I thought I had seen it again at mid-morning, but once again I could not get a good view or a picture. Then this afternoon I had no doubt while watching it hungrily feeding at a feeder in front of me.!!!!! And I got its picture too this time!!!!!  Ah,.. the excitement and adventures of Bird Watching.. It is so enjoyable and fun to share all the  exciting happenings outside my window!

and it was a female Red-winged Blackbird!!!  What is it doing here still this far north in the wintertime.  We have had some very cold overnight temperatures! I wonder if it will try to hang around all winter?
Today we have had a total of 13 different species feeding here.  I was a little worried that I did not see the White-throated Sparrow early in the morning, but not to worry as it showed up to feed  this afternoon around two o'clock!


  1. Nice shots of your RW Blackbird. I am seeing a few Cowbirds..Maybe they do not all migrate? Have a happy day!

  2. That is a beautiful RW Blackbird.
