Friday, December 13, 2013

recent surprise sightings

Yesterday, on December 12, 3013 I saw a flock of 40 or more Canada geese flying over the town of Oromocto near the waterfront.  Deciding to drive down to the riverside park we saw two whitish ducks flying up the open water there.  The ducks were two distant to get a good picture of them.
I don't tjhink I have ever seen a flock of Canadas so late in the year.  The temperature outside my windopw that morning had been reading at -16 degrees C.

A second bird surprise for me this week was in Bird Alley.  I saw movement among the small branches there and I was able to get this photo.  I feel like it is somewhat similar
to a find Waldo picture.  Can you see the little sparrow in the center of the picture?

Yes, if you have found a little White-throat
ed sparrow you were right.  shown above is a cropped picture of the sparrow in the center of the 'find the sparrow picture" I was surprised to see it as I don't usually see one at this time of year.  Each morning since this has been the first little bird that I see feeding each morning.  We also  have one Song Sparrow feeding here every day and also  Tree Sparrows visit our feeders daily.

1 comment:

  1. Great shots of the Geese in flight. And your WT SParrow is a cutie!
    Have a happy weekend!
