Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lots of Goldfinch in Bird Alley

Yesterday we had lots of Goldfinch at our feeders.  Their favourite feeding places are the mesh bag and a cylinder feeder

, both of which hold niger seed.  My supply is gone so I shall buy more seed today.
I enjoy viewing the birds  arranging themselves on the feeder to feed.  In the picture below you can count nine Goldfinch.  They were late in arriving yesterday but there were many more than nine.
I have been playing with photo editing this morning and practising layering with some of my goldfinch pictures and below are the results:

Below are the individual photos that I used in the layering process:

1 comment:

  1. I love the sweet goldfinches, Lovely photos. I have not been seeing as many of the goldies at my feeders. have a happy day!
