Saturday, February 22, 2014

Northern Shrike

It used to be every winter a highlight of Bird Alley was to  see a Northern Shrike fly in and perch among the branches, however we had not seen a Northern Shrike in Bird Alley since 2010, that is until yesterday afternoon!  I was sitting at my bay window that looks out onto Bird Alley watching the Team Canada/U.S.. hockey game and it was intermission time between the first and second period and I looked up and
 I saw a light grey colored bird on a branch and I said out loud, " Oh, a female  Evening Grosbeak", as that is what its size and coloring suggested to me.   My husband entering the room looked out and said , "No, and at that moment I realized I was looking at a Northern Shrike!   Luckily

there were no other birds around as the Shrike is a predator bird, carrying from its reputation the nickname of "The Butcher Bird".  It didn't stay long and I did not get many pictures.  Regardless of its disastrous reputation, the shrike is a handsome bird! 


  1. Beautiful! What a striking bird. I've never seen one before.

  2. I've never heard of, or seen them before, I'll have to look them up--Despite the reputation, it's a pretty bird!

  3. Wow, what an awesome yardbird. Great shots of the Shrike! Happy Sunday!
