Monday, March 24, 2014

Blue sky for Blue Monday

Yesterday afternoon I was watching bird Alley hoping for some interesting bird visitors when I saw a few frisky chickadees appear. I focused on a close one when I saw another perch in the background so I tried to get a picture showing both Chickadees. when I downloaded the pictures I saw that the bokeh background included the second Chickadee as well as a beautiful, soft, blue sky. The bokeh effect was created by having a low f-stop in my camera settings.My f-stop  setting was at 5.6 yesterday  I love bokeh when finding backgrounds.Study these two photos to see what I mean.

I am linking today to Blue Monday meme hosted by Smiling Sally at:


  1. Lovely blue shots! And thanks for the bokeh tip.

  2. Hi Ann,

    What a lovely technique you get with your talent and your camera. Thanks for sharing that delicate blue sky.

    I'm looking forward to reading your comment on my twin post. Please come back.
    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  3. Such a crystal clear photo of the birds with that muted background-beautiful!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Love the chickadees and the photos. Have a happy week!

  5. Chickadees always make me smile. They are so energetic. Cool pictures.

  6. loving the soft blue behind the two chickadees. have a great day~
