Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Full Wolf Moon

I guess being an early riser has its benefits, at least it did this morning when I saw this beautiful full moon in the south west sky.

Many names of full moons originated with the north American Indians.  The Full Wolf Moon derived its name from the observance of hungry Wolves howling at this full moon signaling the coming of spring.  This full moon is also known as the Full Sap Moon and that is self explanatory for those living here in Eastern Canada.  This is the time of year when Maple trees are tapped and their sap is collected and boiled down and made into maple syrup and maple sugar. 
Another name for this moon is the Full Crust Moon as it is at this time of year when a hard crust is frozen on the top of the snow  which has melted and softened during the sunny daytime hours, onlyto then be then frozen over again during the colder, dark nighttime.
The Full Worm Moon derives its name from worm activity at this time of year surfacing through the snow.  The Full Worm Moon is often a time of returning Robins looking for worms to feed on.
Whatever name you chose to identify this moon by, We probably will not all agree on the name of this full moon name, however I think we will all agree on its beauty in the night and early morning sky!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful moon and lovely shots! Have a happy week!
