Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ruby-throated Hummingbird today!

It seems very early to have hummingbirds at our feeders in Bird Alley.  we put our feeders out today around 8 in the morning and by noon we saw two hummingbirds cautiously approach our feeders.  It is a handsome male as you can tell by the Ruby-red patch at his throat.  I love that you can see its little eye in the pictures. I think this is a magnificent bird!
A happy Mother's Day to all.


  1. They are so cute, I am enjoying the hummers return.. Lovely shots! Have a happy week!

  2. I saw our a little hummingbird on Friday and got my feeder all set up for it. And this morning my husband mentioned to me that the fruit punch in the glass bottle in the fridge didn't taste that good. I realized that I've forgotten to tell him that it's hummingbird-nectar.... :-)

  3. I put my feeder out yesterday and am waiting for their arrival! Nice to know they are in the area already.
