Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Young Spotted Fawn

I was hoping I might see some deer this morning while driving along a country road.  I pulled to the side to take pictures of a wild apple tree which had beautiful red fruit.  when I looked up from my picture taking I saw this beautiful fawn in front of my car looking at me.

This beautiful creature appeared to be  by itself. Apparently the mother doe will wean her young by September or October.  This fawn looked quite large to be a spotted baby and I am assuming it has already separated from its mother.
This was a wonderful encounter to begin my morning drive with.  I was hoping to see some Canada Geese or maybe a Great Blue Heron but the only nature creature whose image that I carried home in my camera was this young deer.


  1. How sweet to see this young one. In August a doe and triplets were waiting to cross the road here. The deer are coming out more the past 2 weeks. We have to keep our eyes open all the time.

  2. Gorgeous! And what a great shot you got of it.

  3. Moments like that are the ones that stick in your mind. To have a young animal stop and look directly at you is one of the most special feelings yu will have.
