Friday, September 19, 2014

Canada Geese

On our morning drive yesterday morning, we were hoping to see the Wood Ducks we had seen the day before.  We  saw one unidentified duck in the Monday Brook Pond and it was a disappointment that we saw no Canada Geese there either.  So we drove to another location where we usually see a Great Blue Heron, no heron sighting either, so we decided we may as well return home  BUT. look, there ;in the stubble of a   hay field in front of that beautiful farm.. a flock of Canada Geese in the field feeding.
I find Canada geese so picturesque and photogenic!  I love their long necks with the white neck notch.  Classy creatures!
This beautiful old yellow farmhouse is the perfect background for these magnificent flying  creatures!
A passing motorist frightened these geese into lift off!  Wow!!
Up, up and away over these red barns.
Flying away... until tomorrow geese when hopefully I will find you tomorrow. Keep flying and practicing to help your strong muscles prepare for your upcoming southern flight.


  1. How nice to see the geese. We will soon have them winging overhead here on the coast of Maine as well. Migration is well underway and many bird shave already left the area! I love the photo of them flying up over the barn!

  2. Wow, these are beautiful photos of the geese! I love the yellow farmhouse and red barns too.
