Saturday, October 25, 2014

Gray Squirrel going on a Trip for SaturdayCritters.

 We found a Grey squirrel in our live trap cage yesterday morning. You can see its little paw holding onto the wire of the cage.  It seemed to be a bit upset and I felt sorry for the Squirrel but the live trap cage had done its job nicely, and no one had gotten hurt..  We have several large Grey Squirrels which have become a daily nuisance in Bird Alley, so we have decided to relocate the squirrels.  This is our first experience doing this. Yesterday morning we took the squirrel in the cage out to a wooded area and released it.  Wow,!!! did it ever move  FAST!! out of the cage  when the cage door was opened!  Hopefully, all is well that ends well and the squirrel has now adjusted to its new home and has found lots of food. "Don't worry little squirrel , if we are lucky, you will be getting company soon  as we hope to trap more of your furry buddies" and" DON'T COME BACK!"
Today I am linking to Eileen's Saturday Critters, 
Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. Awww that little paw is rather poignant, lucky fellow to be relocated, hope he found a nice new tree!
    Wren x

  2. I am glad you were able to release him safely. Have a great weekend.

  3. Cute shot, with the little paw sticking out.. My hubby released a raccoon once, he said it ran so fast he could hardly see it.. Thank you for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  4. You know what he had to be thinking...they are going to eat me! And then, bam, out of that cage he dashed! I'm free! :-) Cute little guy.

  5. Cute little paw holding on.

  6. I've done that, it helps for a while if you get all the close ones, until they start spreading out from neighboring territories. I've given up here since it's very hard to find actual wild uninhabited land to let them go on, houses are everywhere it seems.
