Thursday, October 09, 2014

Three Deer Found This Morning

Early this morning I grabbed my camera and car keys and set out with an agenda: To find some deer. Usually I can find a few at the same specific time each morning.  Three deer were feeding in an open field. They saw my car approach and stop, and my presence set them moving about, although usually a presence will cause them to speed with their white tails up flying heedlessly across the road.  Not this morning though as they stayed put in the field where they were grazing. I was very happy about that fact.
  It is a large meadow where I usually find them and they have lots of room to run about and feed.

Before I returned home I drove on to a favourite stream of mine.  It is very beautiful there at  this time of year. In 1783 my 3rd. great grandfather from Maryland arrived at Saint John NB with the fall fleet of Loyalists, and my Loyalist ancestor was granted a land grant for his service and loyalty to the King at the mouth of this stream. I should like to walk to the mouth of this stream some day to see if I can detect any hint or remains of a homestead having been built there.  It is a lovely beautiful  fall day today as you can see in the pictures below. 

1 comment:

  1. The deer are pretty. I always love to see them.. I love the shot of the stream and fall colors..It looks gorgeous there.. Enjoy your evening.
