Sunday, November 02, 2014

Robin Redbreast

"And we shall have snow! " Or so the weather forecast says.  I have been delighted to observe a beautiful Robin visiting in Bird Alley the past few days.My anticipation of the advent of spring is associated with the sighting of my first robin.  then  the rapid arrival of many of these red-breasted beauties dulls my excitement about Robin sightings . However this last glimpse of these season changing birds casts a winsome glance backward to summer and spring as winter approaches.  If this is my last Robin sighting  then  may the next be in the glory of spring.Some weather watchers have already reported snow falling today.  but not me, I would rather report Robin sightings. And I have already sighted another red coloured species this week. Thisspecies usually is more associated with winter:  and it carries a winter associated adjective in its namethe Northern Cardinal.  we had a visit this week from  
a female Northern Cardinal. She had a beautiful chunky red beak and a splash of red on her feathers mid way up her side.

 Our sparrow visitors have been reflecting change also this week.  Its seems that our little Chipping Sparrows have chosen to migrate and so now we will await the arrival of their northern (almost)look alike cousins from the north; Tree Sparrows. Perhaps with the approach of snow these wintering little sparrows will be hastening to our feeders.  I am also hoping to see some Pine Siskins at our feeders soon as we have Goldfinch feeding on niger seed daily now and their Siskin cousins often accompany the Goldfinch.
  On no!!!  I have just sighted snow on the roof of my car!!!


  1. Pretty images of your Robin.. I would much rather hear about robin sightings than snow sightings..LOL!
    Have a happy Sunday and new week ahead!

  2. Anonymous10:06 PM

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