Saturday, January 17, 2015

Common Redpolls for Saturday Critters

and yes!, we have Redpolls, finally.  I have been waiting and watching  for these llittle northern finches ,ever since the cold temperatures and snow  have set in.  They arrived at our feeders on January the 15th. and these are the first Redpolls we have had at our feeders within the past two years.  There are many, seemingly to swarm the feeders., but I haven't seen many of the red, rosy breasted handsome males.  Hopefully my photographic opportunities will improve over the weekend.

   above, the Redpolls have found the niger seed feeder and its proving to be a favourite with these birds They also like the seeds found in the cage feeder.
This little Redpoll above  was caught in flight hurrying from one feeding location to another. Oh, Happy Day! for both the Redpolls and my husband and myself as observers. I am linking today to Viewing nature with Eileen . Eileen's meme Saturday Critters can be found at:
Have a wonderful day everyone although it is a cold one!


  1. Oh lucky you! I am glad the Redpolls have returned... They are so cute! Great shots! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Such lovely little birds you have coming to your feeders. Have a great weekend.

  3. Looks like they are happy they found you. Great pics!
