Thursday, January 08, 2015

Feeding Birds With Opean Beaks

While looking over my downloaded pictures on my screen I noticed a  recurrent theme among them.  Many of these birds had an open beak.

sS I decided to group them into an open beak theme.
I love the activity and appearance of hard work of  getting the peanuts of this Black-capped Chickadee shown below. You can see that the bird is pulling a peanut out!!  success!! Good for you Chickadee!!

This Red-breasted Nuthatch below was more successful at getting a peanut as it is a more experienced peanut feeder. 

This female Hairy woodpecker is better equipped by nature to attack a peanut feeder and this species feeds here daily: both the male and female Hairy as well as its smaller, look alike cousin, the Downy Woodpecker
And  this smaller feeder at Bird Alley, An American Goldfinch daintly feeds at on finch food at a regular feeder. But it does have an open beak as it munches along.
-28 degrees C this morning.. so cold!!!! brrr..I hope it  is warmer at your location this morning!!

And this one below is my most favourite bird visitor..  This handsome red guy is always a welcome visitor to our feeder area, although it most often likes to find sunflower seeds on the ground. A male Northern Cardinal:

And this little American Tree sparrow pictured below likes to feed on the ground sparrow-like., although it also feeds at our feeders on finch food as does the Goldfinch.

1 comment:

  1. Great collection of photos and birds for your open mouth theme! Have a happy day and stay warm!
