Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another Wonderful Spring Day!

I would recommend that everyone plant Crocus bulbs in the fall, as it is so exhilarating to see their beautiful blooms at this time of year.  Presently we have three beautiful blossoms

and there is more to come as the snow continues to melt!

The first surprising sighting to see yesterday morning was an Osprey on top of an old nest high on a power line as we left the village.  Its timing is perfect as the river is now open.

 Our next stop was at Oromocto and we saw Cormorants in
 the river there as well as Canada Geese and Mallards ducks.
another surprise awaited us as we returned home!  Three or four Red-winged blackbirds in a birch tree in our yard!
a male Brown-headed Cowbird and White-throated Sparrows
A beautiful Junco perched on a branch in the full late afternoon sun with a shed roof of our neighbours as a colourful; backdrop.

Later in the evening this nuisance Raccoon showed up to feed on dropped seeds under a feeder.


  1. I love the pretty Crocus! And you have a great collection of birds.. Love the Osprey.. The raccoons do spell trouble.. Have a happy day!

  2. What a great series of folks you caught. The little Whitethroat is a handsome dude.
