Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Fox Story

 On Friday morning I was following warbler sounds from tree to tree. I kept hearing warbler songs but I didn't see any warblers.  Then I turned suddenly to my right and I saw the movement of an animal diving into the ground.  My first thought was" groundhog" as I had often seen groundhogs in the area where I was standing.  but, no, that didn't seem right as the body of the creature did not appear to be as solid and hairy as a groundhog would be.  What I saw was softer looking and supple looking. So I trained my camera on the hole where the unknown creature had disappeared into.  I could detect slight movement and I  then realized that something was looking at me.  It was as curious as I was. If you look carefully around the center of  the picture below you might be able to see two little ears on a rounded head as I did, and I then concluded, a baby fox!.  There had been a den in this area before.  And the ears triggered a flashback of something furry diving into the hole  just a few moments ago,there in the ground before me!
So I felt determination set in and I just had to see a fox or foxes, and so yesterday as my husband and I set out for a walk through a  nearby wooded trail looking for warblers, I suggested to my husband that we walk by the hole ( den) in the ground.  Our timing was perfect as we saw an adult fox ( presumably Mama Fox) leaving the den area. We were all very curious   and very quietly watched each other.  Mama soon left after checking us
out.  I was surprised she left as perhaps her babies could possibly be in danger from us.
 But don't worry Mama Fox, you haven't seen the last of me.  I just have to see your babies and you are in a location that I walk by daily, so I will be hopefully checking out you and your babies again!
I will only be carrying my camera and my  walking cane as I stroll by your home, for after all you are located very close to my home, only less than a distance of a half of a city block away.,  May you and your family fare well over the next few weeks.  And Mama, please do not decide to visit us or our cat that loves to roam around outdoors.  Shakey, our cat will not be allowed to stay outdoors overnight  during the next while because you are probably a very good hunter and you and your kin have a reputation of being foxy, sly and dangerous!  I enjoyed taking pictures of you Mama. Take care and tend your babies well.  I do not pose a threat to you and your family!

1 comment:

  1. Nice story and images. I see the little ears down in the hole. It would be cool to see the baby fox. Have a great day!
