Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Swallowtail Butterflies

Each year in June I anticipate the blossoming of our Lilac trees, and then I wait for the Swallowtail Butterflies to arrive. this year, I waited and waited and then one day I saw a Swallowtail on a Lilac blossom!!!!  Just the one time this occured!!  I hurried for my camera and adjusted the camera setting to  " vivid colour" and included below are a few of the beautiful colours I was able to capture!
Well I guess that must be enough pictures of the Lilacs and Swallowtail butterflies and now the Lilac blooms have faded and vanished so that is it for Lilacs and Swallowtails for this June; but now there are Swallowtails everywhere  and yesterday morning I took pictures of one feeding on clover!
 And that's it for my Swallowtail butterfly posting.  Have a grand day everyone.!!!!!!


  1. Wow, gorgeous and colorful shots. I love the lilacs and the pretty swallowtail butterfly.

  2. Beautiful captures and you got the pretty underside colours too. My lilac is just starting to open up so I'm watching for the swallowtails to come to it.

  3. It seems that I have been away from your blog for a very long time,but I sure am happy to be back. These pictures are stunning.
