Monday, March 28, 2016

Wood Ducks

Yesterday I decided to check out the local lagoon to see if there were  any Goldeneye , which I often find there.  Much to my surprise and delight I found several wood ducks !  The ducks took off immediately when they saw me get out of my car and  I took off.  I was able to capture a couple of pictures of the male Wood Ducks in flight.  These are the first Woods Ducks that I have found this spring.
Just briefly before the ducks too off I was able to get a couple of views of the  male Wood Ducks ducks on the water.
And there were female wood ducks there also.
The white eye area of the female wood duck is quite distinctive and I think beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, the wood ducks are pretty. Always nice to see them, great post. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
