Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Ospreys are back for Camera Critters

We had known the Osprey were back this week as we had seen them flying over the river and also over our yard, however this afternoon we saw two of these beautiful birds on a new nest they had built.  A new platform had been built at this site as Ospreys nest here each year and we wondered if the returning Ospreys would accept an empty platform as an invitation to build a nest?  They did , as you can see their nest on the platform when I took pictures of it this afternoon.  My pictures were quite dark but I like in particular the pictures taken when one of the Ospreys were preparing to leave the nest.  The wings of the departing bird created a nice frame in the background for the osprey remaining on the nest.
How wonderful it is to see these fisher birds back for another season.
I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters at Eileen's meme , which can be found at


  1. Awesome shots! So glad they accepted your gift of the platform to build their nest!

  2. My goodness, those are outstanding shots of the osprey. They are such fun to watch.

  3. Hello, it is great to see the Osprey return. Great shots! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!
