Sunday, June 12, 2016

Finally a female ruby-trhroated Hummingbird

We have been watching our hummingbird feeder hopefully waiting for a female hummingbird to show up and finally , earlier this week we saw both a male and female Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeding at our feeder.. "Oh Happy Day"
male hummingbird feeding on the left and a female hummingbird feeding on the right.



  1. Great shot with the two hummers. They are always a treat to see! Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. Just ran across your blog while visiting someone and caught your shot of the hummers. We have just begun to see them after weeks of thinking we were not going to get any. Now they are very active. Our spring was so rainy and cold, maybe that was the reason. A very good shot of your hummers.
