Saturday, December 03, 2016

Cedar Waxwing for Saturday Critters

On Wednesday of this week we had our first snowstorm and also a large flock of Cedar Waxwings.  there would have bee over 100 waxwings  They flew from a three point feeding station area.  First to a flowering crab-apple tree to the side corner of our lawn, then to the top of our bower which was covered with rosehips and then into Bid Alley where we have another flowering crab-apple tree covered with small tiny, crab-apple and then they would take a rest in their foraging by landing en masse in our old Maples along our driveway.  As it was snowing and I hadn't yet gotten out my winter boots I did't go out top try for better pictures but just keep watch out of our windows.  It was lovely!
I am linking today with Eileen's Saturday Critters at
Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. Ann


  1. The Waxwings seem to love travelling in large groups.

  2. These are rare to my yard although I did rescue one a few winters ago and took him to a rehabber. I saw your photo entry on another blog and had to stop and see this.
