Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mama Mallard and her Ducklings

Sometimes I am extremely fortunate to come upon a family of ducks which occurred to me yesterday!
I think that the adult duck  of this family is a Mallard and I was able to capture a picture of her with her eight ducklings! To count the young ducks look carefully beside the adult and you will see that there are four ducklings bunched together at her side  in the photo above!
Above two ducklings and the adult duck!
In this photo above I have cropped of the last straggler in the picture of Mama with eight of her babies and you can easily see the group of four at her side!

This last photo shows all the eight babies by themselves!  They are in a hurry to reach the shore as I am sitting on the roadside in my idling car slightly elevated above them .   I missed a great picture as the mother duck leading all of the eight babies to the shore. Assuming I had plenty of time ( which I didn't) I decided to put the window down in my car to get a good clear photo without shooting through the window glass, however the slight noise of the window lowering alerted the group to my pretense and they were in a hurry to scatter to safety! to the nearby shore!
These pictures were taken yesterday and I returned to the location this morning( it is a light rainy morning having had no sunshine as yet) and I was not able to find the ducklings today... Maybe tomorrow?  I do hope so!


  1. Hello, the mallard ducklings are adorable. Great photos. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!
