Saturday, June 03, 2017

Belted Kingfisher for Saturday Critters

One of the difficult birds , to get a picture of is a Kingfisher.  that has been my experience anyway. but yesterday while standing on an observation deck overlooking the river I saw Kingfisher hurtling itself flying in a fast frenzy up river as it had spied me watching the river.  Unbelievably good luck was mine as the Kingfisher landed and perched on a rock in the river!
Aha! An opportunity to get a Kingfisher photo, although it was still very distant from me.  But I had faith in my camera's ability to pick up detail and I often get good closeup results with cropping on a photo editing app.
                                              First the Kingfisher had its back to me, but then
it turned around and I was able to get a good frontal shot! ( see below)
 There have always been Kingfishers along the river at this location. I have included one of my best  Kingfisher photos taken in 2008
   I am linking today with Eileen at :


  1. Hello, the Kingfishers are shy birds around me. They take off quickly. You have some great photos. The last two are my favorite. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Love that last photo of the kingfisher taking off. They are so fast when they move that this would be a hard shot to capture. Lovely!

  3. You are right, I have come across this Kingfisher myself, and only got poor photos of it, so I think you have done well.
    Have a good weekend Gordon.
