Sunday, June 04, 2017

Mourning Cloak butterfly

A Mourning Cloak is not an unusual butterfly sighting as it is often the first species I see in the spring, for these Cloaks often overwinter  folded within the bark of trees.  What is slightly unusual is that I am not seeing other species this spring.  Our Lilacs are now in bloom and I often delight in photographing yellow Swallowtails feeding  on the purple lilacs, but not this year  as I have not seen a Swallowtail or a Clearwing hummingbird moth which often attracts  my camera at this time.  So what to post, just another Mourning Cloak which we saw yesterday!  It is a beautiful butterfly, with its attractive blue spots ridging the wings and its beautiful cream coloured lacy edging, but for some reason the one I saw yesterday had white edging, not cream.
Today, if the sun continues to shine we are driving out to a location where I usually see early butterflies. If I find any butterflies later today I will include them here in my post

1 comment:

  1. Hello, it is a beautiful butterfly. Great sighting and photo.

    Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!
