Wednesday, June 14, 2017

W is for Winged Seeds and Wind for ABC wednesday

I was not surprised on Sunday morning last when I steeped outside onto my back door step overlooking our driveway.  It was covered by Winged seeds.   The moderate to gentle Wind, which was the dispersal agent had swept these dangling seeds from our very tall and large old Maple trees which overlook our driveway. this is a yearly occurrence and each year I delight in the view of many of these seeds standing tall, as if at attendance in the vent of our truck hood.  This is always a favourite photo opportunity  of mine!
Maybe because it was a Sunday morning and the seemingly alert seeds prompted the beginning words of an old hymn to run through my mind. " Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus..."
There were so many seeds that my husband attempted to tidy them up a bit and to control their  invasion's by sweeping them up into piles in our driveway.
There were really thousands of these seeds everywhere!  And still today I am very aware of their presence when ever I go out of doors and each spring we have to pull little Maple  tree shoots beginning  to grow in in our flower beds. 

Today I am linking to Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday at


  1. Fantastic photos
    I like the way you look at the world with a cheerful attitude. The hymn reference is precious.

  2. Very nice choices for this weeks letter with lovely photo's

    Have a ♥-warming welcome ABC-day / week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
    Preview Round 21, starting july 12th

  3. Hello, I see some of those seeds here too. They do go everywhere. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Those were on our car windshield just yesterday!
