Monday, July 03, 2017

A Rosy Maple Moth for Macro Monday 2

The  joys of nature are  many and often are so awe inspiring  and surprising! This morning I went out with my macro lens on my camera to see what I could find, Just across the street from my house on a public building that leaves its moth attracting outside lights on all night I found a Rosy Maple Moth on the outside wall of the building.  When I first saw this species several years ago I was astounded with its beautiful pink colour... I found it unbelievable!  And I loved it!.... And every year since I always watch for this moth to appear. Below are photos of what I have found this morning!

shown above is the top side of this moth
                                       Above with its beautiful pink underparts is the underside of this lovely looking moth.
I am linking today with Macro Monday 2 which can be found at
Hopefully by next week I will have found a tiny  pink Primrose Moth which folds itself up tucked within the petals of a Common Primrose bloom. I have noticed that some Common Primrose plants are now in bloom so I have my fingers crossed for posting a picture of this beautiful little  pink moth nestled up among yellow petals of the Common Primrose by next Monday.


  1. Wonderful! Beautiful!
    I photographed a similar moth, but have not been able to ID it. It is kind of orange with just a bit of white, but the shape and slightly fuzzy appearance is the same as your moth.
    Have a great week!

  2. Hello, what a beautiful moth. I love the pretty pink color and the fuzz.

    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead. Wishing you and your family a very Happy 4th of July!

  3. I never saw a moth that near - amazing photos!
