Saturday, August 26, 2017

Great |Blue Heron for Saturday Critters

Yesterday afternoon my husband and I had been commenting on our lack of sightings of Great Blue Herons this summer. Later that afternoon I had decided to check out a favourite pond for Wood Ducks as I had seen three there earlier this week. As I was studying the pond for signs of movement which might suggest a duck or two among the water foliage I saw a huge bird rise from the pond area and fly away. Quickly aiming my camera randomly I was able to capture a few glimpses of a departing Great Blue Heron.
I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at:,
My appreciative thanks to Eileen for her hosting of this meme.


  1. great shots of the heron in flight, glad you finally got to see one

  2. Hello, I am glad you finally saw a Great Blue Heron at your favorite pond. Great captures. I think we have some that migrate but some will stay year round now. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Neat captures of your favorite ~ Great Blue Heron ~ thanks, ^_^

    (A Shutterbug Explores)

  4. Great shots of the heron. Nice to capture them in flight.

  5. Very nice. The wings spreading shot is neat to capture.

  6. Glad you saw the Great blue, we do tend to get a bit worried if we havn't seen certain birds for a while, espesially with the climate change etc.
    All the best, Gordon.
