Saturday, September 02, 2017

Ruby-throated hummingbirds for Saturday Critters

Since I had last posted hummingbird photos we have seen many at our feeders daily, and they are delightful to get photos of. Here are a few of my most recent ones:

I am linking this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at:
A wonderful day is wished to all on this cool second day of September.  School is just around the corner and as a retired teacher I shall wave to all of those yellow buses rolling down the highway on Tuesday morning.


  1. Hello, September came quickly. Love your hummers, great captures. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend

  2. I do like your photographs here, lovely to see.
    Here in the UK my grandchildren are getting ready for 'back to school' next week!

    All the best Jan

  3. They are fantastic.
    Wish I had some of them here!

  4. I am always so thankful for our hummingbird visitors. They bring such joy. I feel badly for our friends in places where the hummers are not found. Glad we can share the photos, at least. Yours are great!

  5. Adorable little hummingbirds. I enjoy being retired from teaching too, it's ben 7 years now so I think I'm finally in retired mode.
