Saturday, November 18, 2017

Red breasted Nuthatch for Saturday Critters

When we saw our first White breasted Nuthatch in Bird Alley, we kept hoping and watching everyday for a red breasted Nuthatch to appear and it finally did!
Its favourite choice of food is peanuts in our peanut feeder in our peanut feeder.
 and also I occasionally buy a cookie shape suet sort of feed in a net bag.  This is another favourite of this sweet little bird species.

I am linking today to Eileen'sSaturday's Critters which can be found at


  1. Hello, this is one of my favorite birds. I hope I get to see one this winter.
    Great photos. Thank you so much for linking up and for sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Since moving to Missouri, I've been surrounded by birds, birds, and more birds. The Cardinals aren't here yet but robins and jays abound. I heard an owl last night and today a hawk soared across the front of the car. Life is amazing in the Bootheel.

  3. I like how a couple of these shots show the stripes on each side of the head - nice angle!

  4. I love that first photo of it on the sign. They are such pretty little birds.
