Saturday, March 03, 2018

Ladybug for Saturday Critters

My critter today is small but mighty in terms of predicting
the approach of spring!! The same window in our kitchen which  faces a south-westerly  direction is always the window of choice each year for our first ladybug sighting. We just saw the one on our window and my husband removed it carefully by sliding
a sheet of paper under it, then sitting the paper on our kitchen table for a better picture-taking location.  After the photo session the lady was returned to the window.  In recognition of this uplifting seasonal event I am using my Ladybug mug today for my morning coffee. 
I think perhaps next winter I shall make a Ladybug mugrug to celebrate this optimistic eventful sighting!
I am linking today with Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at,


  1. Adorable photo. I love your mugrug!

  2. We've had the odd ladybug emerge from sleep as the weather warms up. Snow returned on Friday and is slowly melting away.

  3. Nice pics and that is a cute mug and mugrug.

  4. Hello, cute capture of the ladbybug. I like your mug too. The mugrug is pretty. Thankfully hubby got our generator working long enough for me to make a few comments. I will catch up on all links and blog comments asap. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Ladybugs are special and are supposed to bring you good luck! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. A cute bug and the perfect mug to celebrate with!
