Sunday, April 15, 2018

Black Ducks

I have been looking for Black Ducks for days recently.  Last spring the first duck species I had found were Black Ducks.  Each spring I look for Ducks in two different sort of location.  First I find Mergansers and Common Goldeneye in the rivers and ponds and secondly, the nature of spring usually being that of melting ice ands rain showers, I often find ducks in field ponds; water pooled together in fields to create a pond like appearance.  But this spring has been so cold that I have found very few field ponds as the temperatures have been so cold.  Yesterday I found Black Ducks and Mallards in a few small field ponds.  Hopefully the temperatures will warm up soon and I shall find more dabbling ducks.
Above 5 Black Ducks in a small field Pond; then they got frightened off by the noise of passing traffic.
In the background was a lovely red barn
Tomorrow we are expecting freezing rain and ice pellets so I don't expect many more field ponds to be developing soon.

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