Saturday, July 07, 2018

Monarch Butterfly for Saturdsy Critters

For several years now we have been trying to grow Milkweed plants.  We have been able to grow the green leafy portion of the milkweed but up until this year we have not been able to produce anything on our own that flowers.  A few years ago we have noticed a Milkweed self starter plant growing in front of our garage step where the asphalt surface of our drive way meets at our step. This year the self starter Milkweed has blossoms on it! The plant is very hardy as I almost killed it the other day as I was getting my walker out of the garage and I knocked the walker over onto the Milkweed and the plant lay on the ground beside our garage step.  I picked up the stalk and carefully straightened it and it is still thriving!!!! thank goodness for that.
Above is the thriving self-starter Milkweed plant.
the most glorious event happened a couple of days ago!!  A Monarch Butterfly visited our Milkweed plaant.  The butterfly did not stop long enough for me to be able to get a good picture of it! and it was too hot at 34 degrees Celsius,  for me to sit outdoors and wait for it to return, however here are a few Monarch butterfly pictures of when it was buzzing around our own Milkweed plant!

I am linking this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at
Have a most wonderful cool weekend everyone.


  1. Yay for the milkweed. I heard people saying it was hard to grow. Love the beautiful Monarch! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Congratulations!
    This is also the first year for milkweed in the yard here. It is exciting.

  3. How beautiful! Butterflies are so hard to photograph. Since we've had some nice rain showers, we have more flowers blooming. I need to get outside and TRY to get some pics!

  4. Wonderful! I'm sad to say that I haven't seen a single Monarch yet this summer. I did see a Swamp Milkweed yesterday and looked for butterflies, but no luck.
